
KEEP Forms

For Teachers

Many of you wish to know what to expect when you bring your class to KEEP.

Please arrive at 11:30 a.m., allowing three hours to get to KEEP from Bakersfield (the KEEP staff will not be ready for you until 11:30 a.m.). Upon arrival, you and your
students will be given a brief welcome and behavior expectations before lunch is served at noon.

After lunch students will learn their cabin assignments and move their luggage to their rooms. Following this, students will accompany Naturalists on orientation walks
around the campus. Counselors will have their own orientation meeting with the Lead Naturalist. The teachers will meet with the Program Supervisor to talk about
the week (hiking assignments, teacher duties, students, etc.).

Around 4:30 p.m. the students and counselors will finish moving in and have some free time until dinner at 5:30 p.m.

Teachers will meet with their students for one hour per day on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. This is a good time to touch base with
your students and, if you choose, have the children work on their field notebooks. Counselors have a meeting during this “teacher hour” and then enjoy their limited
free time — so please keep your students for the full hour.

For Students with Special Needs

The Physician’s Authorization to Attend Form is required for students with specialized health care needs to attend KEEP. Contact Deputy Superintendent Russell Sentes (661-636-4161) and your classroom teacher for the following:

  1. Any medications requiring injections (i.e. Epipen or Glucagon)
  2. Diabetes
  3. Severe bee sting or insect bite reaction
  4. Severe food or nut allergy reaction
  5. Mobility limitations
  6. Severe asthma (i.e. requiring nebulizer or activity restrictions)
  7. Seizure Disorder
  8. Respiratory Restrictions (i.e. respiratory conditions limiting activity)
  9. Recent hospitalization
  10. Other serious health conditions.

If your child has a serious medical condition, permission to participate will be determined on an individual basis. The KEEP campuses are an hour away from an health care facility, and KEEP does not have a school nurse. Your child’s safety is a vital concern. Many of these health care conditions will require a medical shadow to attend with your child (free of charge). The sooner KEEP and your school is notified of your child’s condition, the better!

Physicians Authorization Form

Students with Special Diets

For Counselors

Being a counselor is a challenging, fun, and extremely rewarding experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about science, nature, kids …. and yourself.

Counselors are not babysitters, but rather, temporary staff members who are responsible for the safety, wellbeing, and educational support of approximately 7-12 students for five days, 24 hours per day.

As a counselor, you will assist naturalists on ecology walks/hikes and evening campfire programs, directly supervise between 7 to 12 students during meal time, showers, etc., and be on call for emergencies while bunking with students.

All counselors (whether high school, college or adult/parent) must complete a registration form and submit to the school site before coming to Camp KEEP.

All high school counselors must have a registration form completely filled out and in the possession of the teacher before boarding the bus to come to camp. Counselors under the age of 18 must have the form signed by their parent.

So You’re coming to KEEP as a Counselor? Here are some tips:

Make sure you bring good sturdy shoes with good tread on the bottom. Bring a couple of pairs at least because there is a good chance they may get wet. Ugg boots, “shape-ups”, and or rubber boots are NOT good for hiking on trails. And you will be hiking, every day, rain or shine. Some days you can expect to cover over 5 miles up steep hills or on sandy dusty trails sometimes gaining up to 1,000 feet in elevation. Some hikes go along uneven rocky shores laced with slippery rocks. Be prepared!

Bring warm clothes, the wind and weather on the coast can make it quite cold over here at times, however a big heavy jacket is not recommended for hiking, several light warm layers and a lightweight wind/waterproof jacket work much better.

Don’t forget, a backpack to carry your layers, camera and your refillable water bottle.

Don’t count on using your cell phones, in fact we discourage it. Service is weak, time is limited, and here at KEEP the kids come first. The KEEP staff would rather you focus on being here in this wonderful place with the students rather than texting or talking to people miles away.

Do you drink coffee or tea? Bringing your own insulated mug to enjoy your hot beverage is a good idea
